
Emily J. Bates - 1928-44

For those keeping score, Emily was for all intents and purposes an early feminist.  Forced by the times and circumstances to accept jobs far beneath her intellectual and organizational talents, nevertheless -- constantly encouraged by both father and mother -- she graduated from university at a time when the percentage of the overall student body that women comprised had to have been significantly smaller than in modern times; went on for a graduate degree (albeit in retailing -- a field more traditionally "reserved" for women); and fiercely maintained her independence for sixteen years, turning down proposals of marriage, accepting and then breaking at least one engagement, taking at least four serious lovers other than her eventual husband, and changing jobs (and locations) when concluding that a job was a dead end.

I've divided photos from this period into five segments:

  1. An aggregate collection of all photos from 1928-44;
  2. Years in Ann Arbor, mostly at University of Michigan -- 1928-33;
  3. Years in NYC, working at Lord & Taylor -- 1934-41;
  4. Years in Dayton, Ohio, working for the Royal Air Force -- 1942-44, prior to her reuniting with Ellsworth Haynes, whom she married in 1945; and
  5. Undated photos from the period.

Astute readers will note that the periods 1933-34 and 1941-42 are missing -- she was in Boston at the Prince School pursuing a master's in "Retailing Science" 1933-34, and in Washington DC working for the RAF 1941-42, and we have no photographs of her known to be from those periods.  She took a number of photographs of others while in Boston, and those are in the Miscellaneous section.

Home Up EJH 1911-1928 EJH 1928-1944 EJH 1945-2011